Thursday 8 August 2013

Something Shit and Strange

     Youtube never fails to amaze me with its display of both people so talented that I'm forced to snap my mental paintbrushes and huff in a corner at my mediocrity, as well as people so far off the opposite end of the talent spectrum that I want to contact their families to get them sectioned just for believing in themselves.

Lexy and Stephany fall somewhere towards the latter end. They sound like the soundtrack to a child psychopath in an 80's disco getting turned down for a dance by everyone in the room, including the teachers, before storming outside for a cry and catching sight of a half-drunk 2 litre of white cider with visible backwash sediment lying prone against the curb like a sick, scrawny, see-through animal, which bottle said child grabs like a chalice and chugs until she realises it's just lucozade and tosses it away and goes back inside and spends the rest of the disco in the corner playing su doku on her mum's borrowed nokia.

Its like a version of the disco scene in Napoleon Dynamite in which every character is played by a mute Karl Pilkington with wigs.

It's like having a teenage bear cry on your shoulder about his ex bear girlfriend and you being bored of his woe-is-me-ing but also terrified that if you try to move away he will bear-claw your face into stubbly prosciutto.

It's backwater youtube chintz elevated to a whole new level of awful previously reserved for Detroit crime statistics.

And its catchy as hell. And are they dancing in front of a powerpoint presentation or what the fuck is this thing? We will never truly know.

Bless you, Lexy and Stephany, for making me want to go outside.

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